Friday, April 13, 2018

3 Important Clauses in a Typical Residential Lease Agreement

A residential lease contract is a document that both landlords and renters must sign before the latter move into the property and the lease term begins. This important paper serves as an important source of reference for both parties. Know about 3 important clauses in a typical residential lease agreement. Please visit this site to get a sample rental lease agreement in Washington DC.

No modification without permission

Unless the landlord wishes so, a tenant cannot be allowed to make cosmetic and structural modifications to the rental property that he stays in while he is bound by a rental contract. Without prior approval from the landlord, he should not make any changes to the existing structure. If landlords are willing, they should write about any acceptance to the modifications and sign the contract. This will help avoid any disputes or conflicts in the future.

Landlord’s limitation on visiting tenant’s premises

During the period of tenancy, landlords cannot visit the premises rented out to the tenant without seeking permission from the latter. However, the landlord or property manager and his associates enjoy complete right to visit the property and inspect it during the term of the lease contract. This is an important clause, and has to be documented with sufficient notice and in full detail. Owners should provide this to tenants prior to a visit.

Strict lease term period

Tenants have to abide by a strict lease term period when they enter into a residential lease contract. In many areas, the period is of 11 months while in others it can be for a longer duration.

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